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Selfiebug Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions will apply to the purchase of the services by you (The Customer or Hirer).


By ordering any of The Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


1. Definitions and Interpretations

The following words shall have the following meanings in these Terms and Conditions:

“Order Form”, “Booking Form” refers to the form you are sent when booking to choose your Selfie package to hire, and your chosen Hire Period which shall be included on the Order Form.

“Photo Booth”, “Selfie Pod” means the photo booth/selfie pod which we have agreed to hire out to you in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

“Package” means the Selfiebug hiring option you have chosen, outlined on the website and the Order form. 

“Quote” means the quotation document issued to the Hirer, which details the Photo Booth package to be hired and the Hire Period.

“Hire Agreement” is a reference to these Terms and Conditions, any Order Form and payment instructions provided to you.

“Hire Charge” is a reference to the charge we make for the hire of the Photo Booth package to you and which is detailed in any quote we may provide to you.

“Hirer”, “you”, “your”, “yours” , “The customer” are references to you, the person hiring the Photo Booth from us.

“Hire Period” is a reference to the period in which you have agreed to hire our Photo Booth and which is specified on the Order Form.

“Force Majeure” means any unforeseeable circumstances that prevent Selfiebug from fulfilling a contract, which shall include, without limitation, acts of God, Natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and severe weather events, epidemics, pandemics, and quarantines, such as the events connected with COVID-19. Violence such as war, hostilities, terrorist acts, and civil unrest. Government action, restraints or delays impacting power, storage, transportation, or supplies. Fire, death, illness or other capacity certified by a properly qualified medical practitioner.

“Private” means all bookings for private events such as birthdays, baby showers and weddings, et al.

“Corporate” means all bookings for corporate events, such as functions, office parties et al.

“Terms and Conditions” means the terms and conditions of hire of the Photo Booth as set out in this document.

“Selfiebug”, “we”, “our”, “us” , “provider” means Selfiebug


2. Agreement to Terms and Conditions

2.1 When hiring a Photo Booth from us you do so in accordance with this Hire Agreement. You are deemed to have accepted the Hire Charge for the hire of the Photo Booth, and other terms such additional hire charges which have been quoted to you at the time of placing your order.

2.2 Any contract for the hire of the Photo Booth is between you and Selfiebug.

2.3 These Terms and Conditions will remain in place on the website and can be accessed by you at any time. The Terms and Conditions displayed on the website at the time of booking your event shall apply to your booking. We reserve the right to amend or update our Terms and Conditions at any time and any subsequent bookings made by you shall be governed by such terms. We reserve the right to alter our pricing on our literature and website at any time without prior warning but this will not affect bookings which have been confirmed by us.


3. Bookings

3.1 Your booking is not confirmed until you have received a booking confirmation email from us.

3.2 By placing an order with us either verbally, via email or social media regardless of whether a booking form has been returned or deposit paid, it is deemed that the customer has read, understood, fully agreed to and is bound by all our terms and conditions of hire.

3.3 This written contract sets out the full intentions of the parties and supersedes any previous written agreement or oral agreements made between the parties.


4. Hire Service Period

4.1 We, the Supplier, agree to provide a Photo Booth operational and available for use for a minimum of 80% of the agreed service period, to permit maintenance of the Photo Booth should any be necessary (e.g. ink or Ribbon changes).

5. Payment

5.1 In order to secure your booking a non-refundable deposit of £50 will be required to secure the date, and will be deductible from the final payment. Larger scale events or may require a larger deposit. The remaining balance is due 24 hours prior to your event, or by a date agreed on prior to the event. You may be prompted via email to pay the balance by the due date. Failure to pay the balance by the due date will result in the cancellation of your order.

5.2 If we must use the equipment for a time period exceeding the afore-agreed hire period, the additional times will be billed to the customer at the following rates: £50 p/hour before midnight and £100 p/hour after midnight. Payment for any additional time must be paid before any additional hours are provided. 

5.3 Idle time is charged at £25 per hour. We charge this if you’d like us to set up earlier in the day, before the event starts.


6. Date Changes and Cancellation

6.1 In the event that you decide to cancel your booking you must notify us immediately in writing at least 24 hours prior to the original event date and the deposit of £50 will be forfeited.

6.2  Any request to alter the agreed date of the rental of the Photo Booth must be made in writing and at least 24 hours prior to the customer’s event, and is subject to availability and receipt of a new booking agreement.

6.3 If there is no availability for the alternate date, the deposit shall be forfeited and the event cancelled. If the Customer cancels an agreed rental of the Photo Booth within 24 hours of the rental period, the full amount will be forfeited.

6.4 If you wish to make a booking you must sign, date and return the Quote to us. All details stated on the Order Form will be accepted by us as correct including spelling, punctuation and grammar, unless you notify us otherwise in writing. Any costs that we incur as a result of relying on incorrect information supplied by you must be reimbursed by you.

6.5 Failure to pay on time will result in late payment charges equivalent to interest on the late payment which shall be calculated daily at a rate of 1% over The Bank of England's current base rate from the date the payment was originally due until the date of actual payment.

6.6 If we have not received payment 30 days after a) You, the Hirer, gets the invoice or b) We have provided you the service, then we may also instruct a debt collection agency or solicitor to collect payment (including any interest and/or late payment charges) on our behalf. In such circumstances you will be liable to pay an additional sum to us which will not exceed the reasonable costs that we may incur to pay the debt collection agency or solicitor, who will add the sum to your outstanding debt on our behalf.


7. Loss or damage to Provider’s Equipment

7.1 Selfiebug will not tolerate any abuse or threatening behaviour to any of our staff or abuse of the Photo Booth or equipment. If this occurs, Selfiebug retains the right to terminate the hire immediately. This applies equally to you and your guests. Selfiebug may terminate the hire in cases where our staff are of the reasonable view that the equipment belonging to Selfiebug or the Photo Booth itself is in danger of being damaged or has been damaged due to the actions or unruly behaviour of the people using the Selfiepod. Wherever possible and reasonable to do so we will first to try to resolve the matter before any termination is enacted. If we do terminate, for any reason, the full Hire Charge will remain due and we will not issue any refunds for any period of hire not provided. The assistants working at Selfiebug are not employees and work independently of the company.

7.2 The Customer will be fully responsible for any damages caused by you or your guests or other attendees at the event to the Photo Booth and or equipment howsoever caused, with the sole exclusion of damage caused by Selfiebug staff. You will be invoiced for the replacement of any damaged or broken parts including the cost of labour.

7.3 The Customer assumes complete responsibility for any loss of or damage to our Equipment caused by any misuse of the Equipment by the customer, their employees or their guests. You are not entitled to a refund of any part of the Hire Charge where the Hire Period has ended early due to the Photo Booth and Equipment  being damaged, lost or stolen during the Hire Period or any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions.

7.4 The Customer shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to our equipment caused by Theft, Fire, Flood or Accidental Damage.

7.5 The Customer is responsible for ensuring that suitable security and crowd measures are in place prior to the start of the event.

7.6 Selfiebug accepts no responsibility for any damage and or loss of personal property, and or any injury arising from the use of the Hired Equipment and Photo Booth.


8. Graphics & Templates

8.1 Photo templates will be provided by us should you want the photographs to be customised with graphics. Artwork/ logos should be provided by you in a print ready format as specified by us. Selfiebug cannot be held responsible for any shortcoming or mistakes in the artwork that you supply. Selfiebug does not provide an artworking service nor do Selfiebug accept any responsibility for editing or proofing of artwork provided. Selfiebug only acts as an intermediary between you, the client and our printers. Artwork must be supplied by the given deadline and no later. Production of artwork submitted after the given deadline cannot be guaranteed and Selfiebug cannot accept responsibility in such circumstances. Selfiebug does not accept responsibility for charges incurred and or of production due to artwork submitted post given deadline date or time. If you require a proof before printing this must be requested by email before printing.


9. Site location and facilities

9.1 Selfiebug requires a minimum of one hour to set up and test the Photo Booth correctly. If you require the Photo Booth to be set up in a shorter period then we cannot be held responsible if it is not set up correctly or ready on time. Hired equipment will be set up in one location only as agreed on arrival, and will not be moved once set up.

9.2 It is up to you to ensure that all appropriate consents and approvals have been obtained to ensure that Selfiebug are permitted access to install the Photo Booth at the requested location. Selfiebug cannot be held responsible if for any of the above reasons we cannot deliver the Photo Booth on time for your event.

9.3 You must ensure an appropriate space to be made available for the Photo Booth at the event venue (at least 2m width x 3m length, 2.2m height) More space will be required if a backdrop is requested. The Customer will provide a mains electricity supply comprising a single 13amp socket located within the space designated by the Customer for the Photo Booth

9.4 If the event is not on the ground floor, or there are large distances from the unloading area to the venue or any complications that we have not been informed of beforehand, and causes our delay in set up time, this will come out of the run time.

10. Termination of Hire

10.1 We also reserve the right to terminate the Hire Agreement at any time if you are declared bankrupt, enter any arrangement with your creditors, or being a company, go into liquidation or are wound-up, or being a partnership, is dissolved or if, in our reasonable opinion, one of the aforementioned events is likely to occur.

10.2 We shall also be entitled to terminate the hire immediately where we have reasonable grounds to believe that you have acted in breach of this Hire Agreement.


11. Photograph Usage and Ownership

11.1 Unless otherwise notified and agreed with you, you agree that Selfiebug may use any of the photographs from your event for suitable means. This includes but is not limited to advertising and promotional material either in print or on the internet. Attending your event would mean you agree to our photographic and ownership terms and permission has been granted to do so by yourselves and your guests.

11.2 Photos taken in the Photo Booth during the event may be used by us to assist with promotion of Selfiebug. This may include printed matter as well as online images.

11.4 If you choose to have the Facebook or Twitter upload option you take responsibility for permitting all users to upload any picture to their own Facebook or Twitter page. Selfiebug cannot be held responsible for the content of these pictures.

11.5 The 1988 Copyright and Patents Act – section 77 & 80 assigns copyright of photographical/digital images and photo template designs to Selfiebug. It is contrary to the act to copy or allow to be copied photographs captured by Selfiebug by any means. All digital files and photo template designs remain the property of Selfiebug unless copyright has been purchased by the client for personal use only.


12. Limitation of Liability

12.1 We disclaim any and all liability to you for the supply of the Photo Booth to the fullest extent permissible under applicable law. This does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. If we are found liable for any loss or damage to you such liability is limited to the Hire Charge you have paid. We cannot accept any liability for any loss, damage or expense, including any direct or indirect loss such as loss of profits, to you howsoever arising.

12.2 In the unlikely event that we are unable to provide a service on the day of the event, except in a Force Majeure situation, our maximum liability would be the return of all payments received by you. We would not be responsible for any consequential damages or lost opportunities upon breach of this agreement.  

12.3 We do not accept liability for any indirect loss, consequential loss, loss of data, loss of income or profit, loss of damage to property and/or loss from claims of third parties arising out of the hire of the Photo Booth. We do not make any representation or guarantee that use of the Photo Booth in any promotional context will generate revenue or customers for you or your business.

12.4 We shall not be liable for any misrepresentations other than fraudulent misrepresentations.


13. Miscellaneous terms

14.1 Where the rental includes a photographic printer and for any reason printed photographs cannot be provided on site, the Supplier will subsequently print any photos that failed to print at the event which will then be supplied and delivered by post, free of charge.

14.2 We may alter or vary the Terms and Conditions at any time without notice to you.

14.3 The Hire Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. No other terms whether expressed or implied shall form part of this contract. In the event of any conflict between the Hire Agreement and any other term or provision, this Hire Agreement shall prevail.

14.4 If any term or condition of the Hire Agreement or these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the parties hereby agree that such term or condition shall be deemed to be deleted and the remainder of the terms shall continue in force without such term or condition.

14.5 This Hire Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

14.6. No delay or failure on our part to enforce our rights or remedies under the Hire Agreement shall constitute a waiver on our part of such rights or remedies unless such waiver is confirmed in writing.

14.6 It is not intended that the undertakings and obligations of the parties set out in this Hire Agreement shall be for the benefit of and capable of being enforced by any other person by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.


From: Sefliebug

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